Center for Mindful Development, PLLC

Learn, grow, and be well.

Welcome to the Center for Mindful Development, a practice dedicated to providing consultation and therapy to children, adolescents and their parents. My practice is positive, supportive, and centered around the needs of the child, adolescent and parents, specializing in the needs of individuals with anxiety, parenting children and adolescents with anxiety, and neurodivergence.

Mindfulness education is another component of my practice. I offer mindful parenting classes, sessions to individuals - parents, children and adolescents - as well as to schools and businesses. I look forward to seeing how I can meet your needs.

Living mindfully this weekend: Dishes

Typically weekends are times when life slows down a (tiny?) bit and space opens up where being present can feel, dare I say, easier? Perhaps this is completely false, especially for families whose children are actively involved in sports. If so, find a time during the week that is calmer to try this exercise. 

"Wash the dishes to wash the dishes," Thich Nhat Hanh writes. Most of the time we wash the dishes in order to have clean plates on which to eat and a clean mug from which we will drink our coffee or tea. But there is another way of engaging in this task and that is to simply wash dishes to wash dishes. The outcome is remarkably the same but the experience is remarkably different. 

919-370-0770 ~ 410 Millstone Drive, Hillsborough, NC 27278