Center for Mindful Development, PLLC

Learn, grow, and be well.

Welcome to the Center for Mindful Development, a practice dedicated to providing consultation and therapy to children, adolescents and their parents. My practice is positive, supportive, and centered around the needs of the child, adolescent and parents, specializing in the needs of individuals with anxiety, parenting children and adolescents with anxiety, and neurodivergence.

Mindfulness education is another component of my practice. I offer mindful parenting classes, sessions to individuals - parents, children and adolescents - as well as to schools and businesses. I look forward to seeing how I can meet your needs.

Filtering by Category: Parenting

Reframe anxiety around screens

Recently, I was interviewed by the awesome non-profit organization, START (Stand Together And Rethink Technology) about how anxiety, values and screens are intertwined. Each has importance and benefit in our lives but when they become entangled, we can end up with regret and possibly even more anxiety. Thank you, START for helping us all with a more intentional approach to using screens. Which during COVID-19, may mean loosening some boundaries and expectations.

Read blog post here

Read blog post here

Engage to disengage

Our children’s attention is often glued to a device. Detaching their attention can feel difficult at the least and impossible at the most - sometimes causing us, as parents, to become unglued! Nonetheless on many occasions we do actually need to have our children transition from the device, the book or the toy to other life activities such as going to bed, going to school or coming to dinner.

During these transitions, it is important to remember that as far as our children’s attention is concerned, we are the dullest thing in the room. Given everything we know (watch this) about the apparent magnetic force field that surrounds what is on the device, our asking children to go from the squishy makeover to brushing their teeth is akin to asking a gambler to stop mid-way through their time at the slot machine and take what money they have left and go put it in a savings account. Wise - yes. Dopamine-inducing - hardly.

Parents will likely always be less appealing to children because we are, well, parents. That said, we increase our chances of shifting our children’s attention when we actually engage with them. Saying “time to get off the iPad! Dinner’s on the table” from afar is not engagement. Sitting next to them and asking “what’s going on there?” or “what would you have done for this craft?” (the possibilities are endless) will increase your engagement with your child and thus, allow for more disengagement from the device. (I will admit to some sarcastic comments such as “oh my, that slime must be impossible to get out of the carpet!” in order to promote disengagement but it usually works better if you truly invest yourself in their interest).

Engagement with our children is not just a useful strategy, it is also a building block to the foundation of our relationship with our children. The more you engage, the more your children will feel that you want to know who they are as individuals, which benefits everyone. This is the super glue that matters most.

Parents - you really DO matter!

The video below is an important reminder how important the work of parenting is. While we don't want anything to be "wrong" with our children, it is sometimes harder to realize that it is us (parents) who needs to change. Once that is realized and the support is available and accessible, you can change. It doesn't take much. But, I think it is important to always remember that what you are doing in this job of parenting really does matter. Another lighter article that addresses how to incorporate social and emotional learning at home can be found here

919-370-0770 ~ 410 Millstone Drive, Hillsborough, NC 27278